The Perfect Ten

Disclosure – 1 min


  1. Light jog
  2. Sun dials
  3. Trunk twists
  4. Wind mills
  5. Monkey humpers

The Thang

Round 1

Interval Running

  • 5 min medium intensity jog (when group begins to seperate we cirlcle back for the six.
  • 5 rounds-45 sec run and 15 min sprint

Round 2

Circuit Training

  • 10 rounds each one minute each.  Each person does as many reps as he can at each station until the one minute time is up. It consisted of the following exercises:
    • burpees
    • crunches or sit-ups
    • merkins
    • jump sqauts
    • box step-ups with back lunge
    • inverted rows
    • pullups
    • dips
    • leg raises
    • derkins

Round 3

Interval Running

  • 5 min medium intensity jog (when group begins to seperate we cirlcle back for the six.
  • 5 rounds-45 sec run and 15 min sprint

Round 4

Circuit Training

  • 10 rounds each one minute each.  Each person does as many reps as he can at each station until the one minute time is up. It consisted of the following exercises:
    • burpees
    • crunches or V-Ups
    • incline merkins
    • side lunges
    • box jumps
    • reverse grip inverted rows
    • chin-ups
    • close grip tricept extensions off edge of bench
    • flutter kicks
    • derkins or hand stand merkins

Cirlcle of Man and Announcements

F3 Lehigh Valley