Tables of Turmoil

F3 Valley Forge – Phoenixville, PA
Tables of Turmoil / Wall of Woe / Hill of Hurt

Conditions :  20 degrees and cloudy, no wind
Q : Spike
Beatdown  : 6 PAX

It was a chilly 20 degree morning at the BlastFurance, but men showed up, and men got better.  Q-drenaline was a real thing, as YHC seemed to fly through the workout, and although it was a full hour, it ended all too soon!  YHC remembered when Side Effects first told him “make the workout hard, and men will come back.”  That was the goal today.

DISCLAIMER : was given wholeheartedly, including the old F.R.O.M acronym

Warm-up : 

    20x side straddle hops – IC
    10x arm circles – IC
    10x Sprinklers IC
    10x circle arms – IC
    20x Daisy Pickers – IC
    15x Peter Parkers IC
    15x Parker Peters IC
    10x Abe Vigodas IC

Mosey to Manavon Street Park (0.3 miles)

The Thang :
At the Picnic Tables, stations for each table :

    Picnic Table 1 : incline merkins (Irkins)
    Picnic Table 2 : step ups
    Picnic Table 3 : decline merkins (Derkins)
    Picnic Table 4 : dips

The PAX on the decline merkin table perform 25, counting the reps out loud.
Once 25 completed, everyone moves to the next table.
Everyone gets one round through, then mosey to the Wall (a great tennis wall within the park)

Balls to the Wall : 10 seconds x 6 pax = 1 minute
People’s Chair : 10 seconds x 6 pax = 1 minute
5 diamond Merkins (focus on form) on partner’s back while partner low plank holds.

Top of the hill : 
Mosey to the bottom of the hill.
Bottom of the hill : 20 big boy sit-ups linked with partner

    Bear Crawl to the midway point.
    Crab Walk to the top.

Much mumblec hatter about how this was quite a long way, longer than expected!

REPEAT : Back to the Picnic Tables : ROUND 2.    Picnic tables, 25 of each exercise. Wall. Hill.

    Same except Bernie Sanders up the hill

REPEAT : Back to the Picnic Tables : ROUND 3.    Picnic tables, 25 of each exercise. Wall. Hill

    Same except Bernie Sanders up the hill

Mosey back to the Flag (0.3 miles).

6MOM / Mary / Abs / Core :

    V-sitting “100s” – 20x IC
    Partner Throw Downs 10x each 
    Superman Swims x 20 IC
    Freddy Mercury x20 IC

Count-o-rama : 6
Name FNGs  : 0

At one point YHC thought the upper body workout was taxing the PAX, but they pusehed through it, not wanting to miss a thing!

Words of Wisdom :  “Time once lost, can never be found again” – Benjamin Franklin.
We need to realize that whatever we’re doing, we can never go back and do it again.  We all enjoy spending time alone, watching TV, reading a book, looking at our electronic devices, but we need to realize that time with our family and friends are very important.  Once that time is gone, your children are grown, your friends moved away, you can never go back and relive it.  Spend your time wisely!

Announcements :
MLK Day : Ozzy’s Family Fun Center in Reading : fun for the whole family!
Ragnar race later this year (October).  Lowes is organizing a team (or maybe even two!)

Circle of Trust / Ball of Man
Closing Prayer

F3 Lehigh Valley