Five faithful PAX posted for a Dora inspired beat down on this fine, and thankfully dry, April 20, 2017 morning. YHC correspondent arrived nice and early, 13 mins actually, partly from enthusiasm to Q and partly because I wasn’t sure if the new, later workout start time of 530 was still in effect. I still wasn’t early enough to beat Flame to the Trojan, but early enough to review the approaching beat down in the quiet solitude of my Subaru.
Flame, the site Q was gracious enough to run through the basics, YHC put the wimpy warning out that I am recovering from a pulled hammy so I might not be full force. (I was determined to not be a “clipboard Q”
Mosey down path toward entrance, turn around and circle up back at shovel flag for….
SSH 20 IC, sun gods 20 IC, goof balls 20 IC, monkey humpers 20 IC, merkins 11 (why 11?, I don’t know) IC
Mosey to lower lacrosse field for….
The Thang:
Doracides! Buddy up with 1st Pax working on the 4 main exercises (100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 lunges, 400 situps)
Other PAX teammate sprints to opposite goal (approximately 100 feet), does 1 burpee, runs back to
Teammate and touches, back to opposite goal for 2 burpees, back to teammate to touch, back to opposite goal for 3 burpees, back to teammate to flap jack and pickup count..repeat until exercise done. Move on to next exercise once target count reached.
We ran out of time (but not motivation) half way through the sit ups set, so we moseyed back to shovel flag for…
20 American Hammers IC
prayer requests..
Bogey out..