April showers bring manly powers, and six of Lehigh Valley’s finest posted for a soggy, swampy Romp in The Swamp. It started out as a light mist, then intermittent gusts and showers but the die hard PAX welcomed the refreshment once the beat down commenced. It went something like this:
Disclosure issued and YHC called for 20 burpees right off the bat, OYO for a SLAUGHTER START
mumble chatter began in earnest as we lined up single file for an Indian Run (not the last politically incorrect nomenclature of the morning, stay tuned) as we made our way around the loop….
Circled up at the pavilion for some Warmuparama:
SSH x 20 IC, Monkee Humpers x 20 IC, Goofballs x 20 IC, Mike Tysons x 10 OYO
Mosey to lower ballfield across street for
Thang Part 1
Lieutenant Dan plays baseball
Some mumblechatter regarding the appropriateness of poking fun at Forrest’s war commander, and challenge issues by YHC to re-name. Challenge declined, name stands…
Partner up, P1 does Lieutenant dans around basepath (3 lunges, 1 squat) P2 american hammers at home AMRAP until P1 reaches home, then flapjack.
Mosey back to Shovel Flag for
Thang Part Deuce
Burp n Merks: Burpee and 1 merkin in plank position, Burpee and 2 merkins i down position, continue until we ladder up to 10, not done yet….ladder back down to 1
Circle Up under Porch for ABS
each PAX called out favorite ab workout, 10 count
back to shovel flag for COT
Bogey out