3 PAX for a Pre-ruck and 1 for a pre-walk, then a Blast Furnace record surfaced for a RED themed beatdown inspired by Hawgcycle of F3 New Orleans. No one remembered their firearms for the 21 gun salute so we resorted to burpee salutes at each corner of Reeves Park.
Peter Parkers x 20 (IC)
Parker Peters x 10 (IC)
Crabjacks x 10 (IC)
Crabcakes 15 (IC)
Low Slow Squats x 20 (IC)
Windmills x 15 (IC)
The Thang
2 Groups slip at diagonal sides of the park and moving in opposite directions to complete a downward ladder of exercises OYO at each corner
Corner #1:
Burpees x 21
Floyd Mayweathers-Imperial Squat Walkers-Freddie Mercurys (where 2 = 1 for each) alternating from 20 to 3 repetitions
Burpees x 2 and x 1
Corner #2:
Burpees x 21
Merkins-Squats-Crunchy Frogs alternating from 20 to 3 repetitions
Burpees x 2 and x 1
Corner #3:
Burpees x 21
Peter Parkers-Bonnie Blairs-American Hammers (where 2 = 1 for each) alternating from 20 to 3 repetitions
Burpees x 2 and x 1
Corner #4:
Burpees x 21
Crossfit Merkins-Monkey Humpers (to attract the attention of traffic at the busiest corner)-Leg Raise & Lift alternating from 20 to 3 repetitions
Burpees x 2 and x 1
Mosey to the flag
Burpees x 10 (OYO) to each a nice round total of 106 burpees
Special Intentions – Side Effects will be praying for the group to continue to group and expand impact in the community
Pebbles father-in-law health after an episode this week