01/25/2024 - Trojan - Cincinnati Grind

It was a rainy morning today, perfect for an F3 beat down.  I was in Cincinnati last week and brought back the workout routine we did out there. Warm-a-Rama Reach…

01/23/2024 - Swamp - Ladders

Disclaimer was given and accepted Warm up: overhead claps, and imperial walkers, toy soldiers, monkey humpers, Peter parker’s, downward dog stretch, Carolina dry docks, arm circles, Mountain climbers, Mosey around…

01/15/2024 - Steel Town - MLK Day beatdown

Glorious 22 degree morning in which all men accepted the disclaimer. warm-o-rama: raise the roof and huggy bears ic x10. Trunk rolls oyo 5 each direction. Imperial Stormkickers oyo x10.…

01/13/2024 - Steel Town - playoff ready

Disclaimer accepted by all on a 54 degree soggy Saturday. warm-o-rama: wonderbras and huggy bears ic x10, arm circles and trunk rolls 5 oyo, Imperial Walkers ic x15, grass pickers…

01/11/2024 - Trojan - Sesame Street Beatdown

8 men posted on a dreary January morning to take the red pill encouraging each other along the way.Great to see Shepherd and Jack Knife.Warmara:Kasey Kasums,neck rolls,trunk rolls,monkey jumpers,Abe Vigodas’,grass…

F3 Lehigh Valley