10/07/2023 - Ranch - 10 Best

After watching this informative vid from the Fit Father Project on the 10 Best Foods for Weight Loss, Energy, & Health, YHC opted to create a workout focusing on each…

10/03/2023 - Swamp - Low Intensity Beatdown.

I–at least–considered the IPC to be engaging, challenging, bracing, and intense.  (Actually, I felt stomped into the mud.)  So I prepared a low intensity follow-on. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.…

09/29/2023 - Trojan - Circuit Breaker

Disclaimer given and accepted by everyone in attendance. Warm-a-Rama Neck Rolls, 8/side, OYO Trunk Rolls, 8/side, OYO Arm Circles, 10, IC imperial walkers, 10, IC Hill Billy, 10, IC Toy…

09/26/2023 - Swamp - Put it all together

Disclaimer given- all accepted, except for Deuce, lol! We had one man show up late. Jog in place, high knees, buttkickers, boxing trot. Repeat! Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Peter Parkers, Hillbillies,…

09/23/2023 - Ranch - IPC 3 at the Ranch

Two for EBS, c. 4 miles in 40 minutes. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Lots of PAX gone to Lake Champion, so a composite group from the Ranch and Steel…

F3 Lehigh Valley