03/14/2023 - Swamp - Good Morning to fly a kite!

Conditions:  Mid-30’s and wet and windy Pre-Ruck stepped off with 2 PAXs at 4:45. Solid 3.2 miles! Started promptly at 5:30 with disclaimer accepted by all. Warm-up: Stretches attempting (some…

03/11/2023 - Ranch - CORE CAMP

CORE CAMP – 3.11.23 Conditions: 37º, light drizzle & light breeze. All in all, a pleasant morning, made that much more as Monopoly, up from TX, dropped by for the…

03/07/2023 - Swamp - Bucket of Fun

Early Morning Men’s Workout, Allentown, PA Warmup: Seal claps, overhead claps, Side straddle hops, jog in place, high knees, butt kickers, boxing trot Stretch: Swan dive x 2 More warmup:…

02/28/2023 - Swamp - Swampy Swamp Deck

Conditions: 35°, somewhere between rain and snow and slush greeted 3 of us for a 3.1 mile EBS. 3 more joined us for the beatdown. YHC was looking for dryer…

02/21/2023 - Swamp - No Worries

Warm a rama: SSH, IW, Toy Soldiers, side lunge, MN, Shoulder taps, plank jacks, lunges   LETTER sets W Wheel of Merken O Obama R Rt 66 (monkey humpers) R…

02/16/2023 - Trojan - First Draft

The American military does “After Action Reports.”  The U.S. Army, in particular, is a learning organization.  Although I have not been in the military, I’m trying to approach this Back…

F3 Lehigh Valley