In Honor of Football Playoff Season

Started with light stretching of the neck, arms, touching toes, huggy bears.

Getting the heart rate up and warming the muscles:

Skip in place, football drills: stomping in place, turn left,front, turn right, front and drop!

More stretching now that the muscles are warm:

Right side: Warrior 1, warrior 2, into a plank

Left side: repeat

Mosey to bandshell

The Thang:

Stations with a different exercise at the bandshell with one guy running two laps in the bandshell. (Equipment I brought in- a football, 40 pound bag of sand, two 5 lb weights, push up bars, an ab roller).

Round 1:

Taps with a push up in between



Sit ups while holding a football

Mountain climbers

Side lunge with shoulder press five pound weights

Ab roller

Squats with 40 pound bag of salt and arm curl

Long haul had to use the john and was gone for 20 minutes. Kidding, it was only about 5.

Round 2:

Dealer’s choice

Dr Suess- balls to the wall

Uptown Girl- Australian mountain climbers


Jumping jacks

World War I’s

Mosey on back to the parking lot





Present at the workout- 6 guys: Dr. Suess, Uptown Girl, Dial Up, Long Haul, Knievel, Clyde

F3 Lehigh Valley