It was a cool well lit morning at the Bee Hive. Six PAX at the start with three more joining us for Boot Camp and 0.0 workouts today.
Disclosure This workout is Always Free, Always Men, Always Outdoors, Always unpaid volunteers, Always rotation-ally led, and we Always end with a circle of trust. We are Non Professional’s so you Can’t Sew Us, We don’t own anything, everything we say is just a suggestion. Unlike other workouts we wait for our 6; which is the last guy. The objective is that you get the best workout possible for you. Give your near maximum effort. Therefore modify, modify, modify! If you hear a term you don’t understand, look to the guy to your left or right and ask him to explain.
Warmarama – Pax lined up at the edge of the parking lot. We warmed up the legs and heart by doing the following agility moves across the parking lot. High Knees, Butt Kickers, Drum Majors, Lunges, Spring 50%, 75%, 100%, shuffle, karoke, backwards run. Then circle up. SSH, Sungods, Goofballs, Air Squared, Monkey Humpers, Abe Vogada’s, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Alabama Ass Kickers.
Flame took the several PAX on the 0.0 workout. YHC took the rest on the boot camp.
The Thang Pavilion Hang & Bang .
Part 1 – The main objective:
Visit every Pavilion in the Park. No one really knows how many pavilions are in the Park. I had in mind there might be 10. Mosey around the outside the park to a trail to find the first pavilion. At the Pavilion find a rafter to either hang for 30 seconds or BANG out 10 pull-ups. SSH for the 6. YHC calls out 3 exercises, at least 10 reps each. One Leg exercise, one Ab Exercise, One Upper Body exercise. Then mosey and intermittent sprint between pavilions. As recommended by Bogey Pavilions that are close to each other we did a broad jump. We ended up getting to 6 of what we think were 9 Pavilions in the park.
Part 2 – Caught in the Bermuda Triangle
We found a tear drop grassy area on the way to pavilion 3. We decided to take the tear drop and turn it into a triangle. 10 merkins at each point of the triangle with a bear crawl between each point. One round, and if we have time we might come back to do more.
Part 3– Catch up with 0.0 PAX and Human Donkey Balls
Ran into 0.0 PAX at the 3rd Pavilion for total group Hang and Bang. After our final Pavilion (6), we moseyed the wall by the basketball court for one set of Human Donkey Balls. 60 seconds of wall sits, 10 donkey kicks up the wall, followed by 10 balls to the wall push-ups. Mosey back go the shovel flag.
Mary – American Hammer – as many as reps as possible in cadence. Waiting for the 0.0. PAX to join us.
Announcements: Cofeeteria and Lake Champion Men’s Retreat Oct. 5-8th.
CoRama = 9 NoRama
COT – Asking God to keep our paths straight. May we all go by faith what ever the struggle to continue to lead our family, friends, and community. God give us the power, strength, and perseverance to go the distance.