3 PAX posted to the Grill on a morning that promised to bring a scorcher. The heat was quickly turned up as the workout commenced following the disclaimer.
Mosey to tennis court
Warm-a-rama: Abe Vigoda, Sun Gods, Grass Pickers, Carioca, High Knees, Slow to Fast Mountain Climbers, Parker Peter, Motivator (15 down to 1)
The Thang:
The Gross (12 reps of 12 exercises)
Mosey to Pavilion
• 12 Abyss Merkins
• 12 Box Jumps
• 12 Reverse Crunches
Mosey to Band shell
• 12 Mike Tysons
• 12 Count People Chair
• 12 Count BTTW
Sprint to Playground
• 12 Pullups
• 12 Inverse Rows on swings
• 12 Pretzel Sticks each leg
Mosey to Pavilion
• 12 Side Planks each side
• 12 Pistol Squats each leg
• 12 Russian Dips each leg
Cones set at ~ 10, 20, 30 yards
• Staggered Merkin Crawl
• Duck Walk
• Bear Crawl
• Crab Walk
• Lunge Walk
• Broad Jump Burpee
ATMs (15 Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Fast Merkins)
Mary: American Hammer, Crunchy Frog, Flutter Kick, WWI Sit Up, Supermans
COT: Welcome our FNG into F3 with his new name, Waldo! Prayers for Waldo and his family as he prepares to leave for his latest globetrotting job assignment in Ireland for the next two years.