3 PAX and 1 FNG posted for the start of a new F3 location, as F3 Nation increased the family seed.
Location site – South Street Park (447 South Street Park, Pottstown)
Time – 5:15-6AM
Warm-up on B-Ball Court:
- Arm Circles (and reverse) X10
- Lunges X10
- Al Gore Hold 20 Seconds
- Squats X12
Jog to High St & Warren Hill (now dubbed Mikayla’s Hill)
- Exercise inspired by Hershey’s oldest daughter turning 11 today. Run up Warren Street to the top of Washington Hill Road – No small duty. Returning to the bottom, each PAX was to do ascending burpees X2 at each cross st & alleyway for a birthday total of 11 locations: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 = 132 Burpees
- There was a moment of pondering about going back up Mikayla’s Hill for more pain, but the PAX unanimously agreed to head back to South Street Park with the existing pain in hand.
- Flutter Kicks X12
- Circle drawing with feet in air (and reverse) X12
- American Hammers X20
- Windshield Wipers X10
- Lamentations 3:22-23 “New Mercies Every Day” reminder
- Welcoming of FNG now BENDED KNEE – just got engaged last week…to be married this summer – May F3 prepare him well!
- Prayer