The party started early this morning. Boo-Boo and Drop Box part of the early PAX arriving at 5:20am. It is always encouraging for a Q to show up 10 minutes early and see guys waiting to go. 2 minute warning given, started on time! Disclosure given.
An abbreviated version of workout backstory given to PAX. This workout idea birthed 3 weeks earlier from Cooter’s VQ workout in January where we shouted out some 2017 goals during mumble chatter. Since Streaker and couple of guys could barely breathe; let alone think about real goals outside of finishing workout. YHC decided to build on the bridge Cooter already started. Every PAX was encouraged to share with me in advance 2 to 5 Commitments, not Goals for 2017. The distinction being physiological and in the execution. There is always a chance you reach your goal; however, you are the only one that stands between you and your commitments. You might want to run 1 hour and 30 minute half marathon; however, if you are not committed to running 30 miles per week; you reduce your chances of seeing the goal turn into reality.
In my hand were sheets of paper with commitments shared and discussed with me in advance. Commitment Sheets randomly passed out to other PAX members with commitments of other PAX not there own. Everything else explained as we go. Get to mosey!
Warmarama: Arm Circles, Air Squared, Goofballs, Merkins, Dolly, Flutters, WWII, Abe Vogoda, Monkey Humpers, Mountain Climbers, SSH.
Pax was thrown off by odd count cadences and taking some exercises to 20 like Mountain Climbers. Finished warm-up with circle of men locking arms praying on John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
The Thang
Mosey 100 yards to closets light post. Circle Up. YHC stated one of his 2017 commitments is to invite one person to church each week. (Not the same person either) In tribute to that, we did 52 Burpees. We broke at 26, complained, moaned, laughed, and prayed for strength to continue on when the going gets tough this year. Gathered our intestinal fortitude finished the last 26.
Mosey 200 yards, it was supposed to be a sprint but we couldn’t feel our legs. Circle Up. One Pax member pulled a sheet of commitments out and read it aloud to the PAX. After each commitment was made, Hoo Rah from Pax was given. Pax member then selects exercise and count with assistance from YHC.
- Bogey – Mike Tysons – 12 (rinse with backwards run)
- Boo Boo – Crab Cakes (IC) – 24 (rinse with side shuffle right)
- Short Cake – Monkey Humpers – 52 (rinse with side shuffle left)
- Cooter – Giant 6″ Leg Circles – 24 (rinse with jog)
- Flame – High Five Carolina Dry Docks – 43 (rinse with jog)
- Columbia – LBC’s – 365 (rinse with Jog to Shuffle Flag)
- Uptown Girl – recover
After each exercise completed, circle up around man’s whose commitments were read. Hand on this guy, one brothers prays for his brother and all commitments made.
Counterama – 10
Announcements – No Regrets Conference this Saturday. Be there! More men need F3, let’s spread the seed. Look for separate backblasts, one with each PAX member’s commitments. If you didn’t get a chance to share with YHC, just send me now. I will include links to each post in this post as completed.
COT – thankful for the men of F3 and the desires on the hearts of each man. Prayers for continued strength, endurance, and spirit in 2017.
Copy link below into browser to see specific commitments made!
- Bogey –
- Boo-Boo –
- Cooter –
- Flame –
- Neon –
- Short Cake –
- Streaker –
- Uptown Girl –
Leave a comment on post to encourage your F3 brother.