Running late into the Bee Hive, rushing to get the Shovel Flag in place, finding my gloves, dropping my keys, and forgetting to remove my glasses. No one noticed. As we go through life there are speed bumps we must go over and mud puddles we need to drive through. These things suck but the fact is they do exist, and there is nothing we can do about it. Or is there?
“Getting ready for the expected while being ready for the unexpected. (F5).” There are many ways to be prepared from smartphone apps to pen and paper. The fact about those guardrails we put in place to try to control our life is they can not predict the unexpected. So what should we as men do? Expect the unexpected? Well, that is a nice saying that hardly ever come to fruition. Getting prepared has a component that forces you to know how you will react when things go bad.
If you were to have to get your family three miles to the nearest gas station because your car broke down in the middle of now where, could you do it? What if you needed to carry your 40 pound daughter? She is just 40 pounds, right? Fourty pounds, three miles, sounds like a CSAUP we should try. The key is putting yourself into challenging situations on purpose to KNOW how you will react. This will prepare you for the situation you were in but also will prepare you to react to the situation you could be in. Don’t get caught in a monastery with your pants down, I hear there is a draft.
Quite simply I was not prepared for the workout this morning. Good thing F3 created the F3 Workout Deck! After warming up we took a shot at the workout deck. Each PAX picked a card from the deck and led their respective exercise. After the first round, which included the 25 Burpee card and the 100 SSH card, Flame changed the game. Picking two card and flip flopping them. Card A’s exercise was performed for the amount of reps on card B, and vice versa. The change up made things interesting but there were no big surprises, this time. I couldn’t imagine doing 100 diamond merkins or monkey humpers.
Flame left early for basketball practice. Prayers for the Socci family for the pending birth of 2.3