03/14/2022 - Grill - The Grill Whiteout Workout

AO: Grill

When: 03/14/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Beaker, Mr. Green, Myra, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Ringworm,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pocahontas

The BackBlast:

The morning started a bit wet so we modified the workout the stay under roof.  15 mins into the workout the rain turned to snow.  By the time we were finished, it was all but a whiteout.


The warm-a-rama consisted of arm circles, Abe Vigoda, Mountain Climbers, best stretch ever


The Thang (exercises in cadence)

Round 1 – Chest & Arms:

* run

* 10 std Merkins

* run backwards

* 12 Lunges/side

* side shuffle

* 10 WWIs

* karaoke

* 10 Merkins w/ rotation/side

* run

* 15 Squats

* run backwards

* 15 Freddy Mercurys/cadence

* side shuffle

* 10 Staggered Merkins/side

* karaoke

* 10 Reverse Lunges/side

* run

* 15 Box Cutters/cadence

* run backwards

* 10 Carolina Dry Docks

* side shuffle

* 10 Sumo Squats

* karaoke

* 60 sec Plank

* run

* 10 Diamond Merkins

* run backwards

* 10 Curtsy Lunges/side

* side shuffle

* 30sec Side Plank/side

* karaoke

* 10 Declined Merkins

* run

* 10 Single Leg Deadlift/side

* run backwards

* 15 American Hammers/cadence


Potsie prepared a review of the “4 steps of Leadership Development Process (LDP)”:

Great leaders are constantly working themselves out of a job

4 steps of LDP

  1. Schooling-formal leadership instruction (instruction)
  2. Apprenticeship- developing skills learned in schooling while being coached by and experienced leader (practice)
  3. Opportunity- the emerging leader puts what he has learned into practice and is directly responsible for the outcome.
  4. Failure- a leader will place an emerging leader in place where minor failures can occur because it is from failure that leaders learn the most.


Round of Mary

* (2) rounds of “Dealer choice”

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