05/12/2022 - Trojan - The Fourth F – flossing

AO: Trojan

When: 05/12/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Deuce, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Monopoly, Pâté,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Long Haul

The BackBlast:

6 pax for an educational beatdown about fitness and oral health.Disclaimer given and accepted.Warmup done.The Thang:4 workout centers with mosey in between.At each site a short briefing about dental disease and care.First stop:bacteria,biofilm,infection,brush,floss.We did 10 burpees,10 second back plank each pax,10 count bttws each pax,10 imperial walkers,10 flutter kicks….50 reps in all for 50 years in dentistry.Next stop frequency of sweets,20 freddie mercuries,20 ferkins,10 floyd merryweathers.Next stop,do the routine thing,find the right dentist for you!Death Star,10 merkins at each point.Last stop,maintain teeth for a lifetime,mountain climbers,mexican squats,monkey humpers,motivators.Finished with Mary,thx gents always a privilege.

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