02/28/2024 - Steel Town - Simple Whole Body Workout on a Dark, Damp Parking Lot.

AO: Steel Town

When: 02/28/2024


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Dr. Luck, Open House, Spoiler,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dr. Luck

The BackBlast:

Two for EBS.  Ran 2.55 miles.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-o-rama: SSHs, IC x 20; Overhead claps, IC x 20; Trunk rolls, OYO x 5 in each direction; Cincinatti Toy Soldiers, IC x 15; Abe Vigodas, IC x 15; Shoulder Taps, IC x 15; Parker Peters, IC x 15; Hillbillys, IC x 15; Grass Pickers, IC x 15; Merkins, IC x 15; Two down-and-backs in place of the customary Mountain climbers.

The Thang:

Round One: Merkins, IC x 15; LBCs, IC x 20; Squats, SC x 30.  12 burpees.

Two down-and-backs.  Thanks Heisenberg!

Round Two: Ranger Merkins, IC x 10; American Hammers, IC x 20; Bobby Hurleys, OYO x 20.  15 burpees.

Two down-and-backs.

Round Three: Diamond Merkins, IC x 10; Box cutters, IC x 20; Squat jumps, OYO x 20.  18 burpees.

Two down-and-backs.


CoT,  Envoi.

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