07/13/2022 - Willow Ruck/Run - Ruck N Roll

AO: Willow Ruck/Run

When: 07/13/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Deuce, Downsize, Dr. Seuss, Drop Box, Hot Shot, Monopoly,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Hot Shot

The BackBlast:

The “D’s” had it at Hot Shot’s Ruck N Roll! Deuce, Dr. Seuss, Downsize, & Dropbox made a great showing at Willow for the weekly ruck or run. Monopoly made his last appearance for the time being at Willow before he leaves for the Army early next week. Hot Shot started it all off with Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, Arm Circles, some Casey Casums, Ankle Rolls, and a few other stretches. Five PAX elected to run while Hot Shot did a solo ruck which ended up being a community service walk. He picked up trash all along his route on Willow and Mill Creek Roads. He collected so much, without being prepared with a bag, that he had difficulty carrying it all. A couple of the HIMs assisted him as they moseyed back to the shovel flag. He vowed to take a trash bag with him in the future! The “D’s” outnumbered us, but Monopoly had a strong showing, and Hot Shot set a new standard! Ultimately, it was a productive beatdown for all of the PAX and the neighborhood! We ended in a COT.

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