05/29/2022 - Grill - Modified Murph Attempt

AO: Grill

When: 05/29/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Apollo, Beaker, Klinger, Oreo, Potsie, Ringworm,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ringworm

The BackBlast:

Our goal for the day was to attempt to complete the Murph Challenge, albeit any modifications that would be needed for the pull ups and merkins.

Disclaimer was given by Beaker.

Since time was going to be of essence today, there was no time for a warm up.

The Thang:

One mile run on the trail.

A total of 300 squats, 200 merkins, and 100 pull-ups. These were broken down into sets of 30, 20, & 10.

Followed by another one mile run on the trail.


Although nobody was able to completely finish all sets of squats, pull-ups, and merkins, it wasn’t from lack of trying. The entire PAX pushed themselves and each other beyond everyones comfort zones.


Side note: Beaker did say he completed the rest of his sets when he got home.

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