06/14/2023 - Steel Town - Making Mike Murphy rough draft

AO: Steel Town

When: 06/14/2023


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Dr. Luck, Milestone,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Doctor Luck

The BackBlast:

Lieutenant Michael Murphy, USN, CMH, didn’t start out that way.  Lone Survivor You’re Mike Murphy – YouTube

With the assistance of the United States Navy, he made himself into “Mike Murphy.”  So, lesson is: the longest journey begins with but a single step.  Looking forward to Memorial Day 2024, the participating PAX started shaping-up a program.  Tried stuff, talked about it, modified (mostly up, but some of it lateral); did some more stuff.  Looking to keep improving.

Disclaimer accepted verbally.


Warm-o-rama.  It’s weird counting cadence when there’s only the two of you.  Ladies jogging by starting to look for those clicker things they used to have to disrupt the Hare Krishnas at airports, that sort of thing.

One of us had a hitch in our step, so we skipped the programmed Half-mile run in favor a side-by-side walk from parking lot to pavilion, doing Walking-American-Hammers with a 10-pound plate, then passing to the other fellow.

The Thang.  Like I said, a rough draft, not a killer Beat Down.

Pull-Ups: 5, but Milestone did more.  Full extension hanging from roof truss, bring chin up over bar.  No assistance bands.  “Truth Unto Its Innermost Parts.”

Merkins: 10 IC; slowed down the count a little to allow for full descent.  Worked on keeping my hands right under my shoulders.

BBSU: 20.  On the wet grass!  How’s that for tough, huh?

Squats: 30.

Pull-Ups: 5.5, but Milestone did more.

Decline Merkins: 10 IC; feet on table-top.  Psychologically, at least for others, that is more impressive.

BBSU: 20.

Step-Ups: 30 each leg.

Ran out of time to do the planned third round.

Returned to parking lot doing the side-by-side Walking American Hammers.

Mary.  Milestone came up with one I didn’t know.  “W”s: Combined Gas Pumpers with Heels to Heaven.  Hyper-extended my coordination muscle with that one.


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