01/28/2023 - Grill - Bombs Away

AO: Grill

When: 01/28/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Beaker, DrewZ, Pocahontas, Potsie, Ringworm,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

Five PAX descended on the Grill for a frosty workout.  It was great to have DrewZ join us again.  He is settling well at the Grill as a transplant from F3 Chicago.  In order to make him feel more at home, I “borrowed” a workout from the F3 Chicago back blasts.

Warm-a-rama: Mosey up Park Ave to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Grass Pickers, Side Lunges, Merkins, Shoulder Taps, BSE, Calf Stretch

Mosey back to the park by the concession stand

The Thang: BOMBS

Each “BOMBS” consists of:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Overhead Claps (IC)
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 Big Boy Sit ups
  • 25 Squats

Complete first BOMBS

  • 20-yard Bear Crawl; 2nd BOMBS
  • 20-yard Lunge Walk; 3rd BOMBS
  • 20-yard Power Skip; 4th BOMBS
  • 20-yard Broad Jump; HOLD ON A MINUTE: time for a breather while Potsie delivered his Q point; 5th BOMBS
  • 20-yard Crawl Bear; 6th BOMBS

Mosey across field back to start and then to the band stand

Mary — Dealer’s Choice: Motivators 5 to 1, Dancing Chilly Cuts, No Surrender, Box Cutters, J-Los, Alabama Prom Dates

COT: upcoming 5-year Manniversary on April 1st; Triathlon on May 6th; prayers for Klinger and his family during time of loss of his father, prayers for Pocahontas’s father-in-law, prayers for Potsie during business transition; thanksgiving for friendships and community

All went to Four Twelve for coffeeteria for some very good time of fellowship; we also got to spend some time with F3 PAX General, Wichita, and Star Burger

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