12/04/2023 - Steel Town - Becoming Mike Murphy Next Steps.

AO: Steel Town

When: 12/04/2023


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Dr. Luck, Open House, Spoiler,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Doctor Luck

The BackBlast:

Two for EBS.  Ran 2.5 miles.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-o-rama.  My idea is to get the joints loosened up a little, then get the blood flowing to the muscles a little, so: Neck rolls; Trunk rolls; Overhead claps; Large arm circles; Abe Vigodas; Shoulder taps; Peter Parkers; Imperial Walkers; Grass pickers; Merkins, Mountain climbers.  Most IC x 10.

Mosey to pavilion.

Round One: Pull-Ups, OYO/OBE; Merkins, IC x 15: BBSUs, SC x 30; Squats, SC x 40.

Round Two: Pull-Ups, OYO-OBE; Decline Merkins, IC x 15; LBCs, IC x 20; Step-Ups, IC x 20 each leg.

Round Three: Pull-Ups, OYO/OBE; Diamond Merkins, IC x 13; Box-cutters, IC x 40; Lunges, IC x 20.

Round Four: Pull-Ups, OYO/OBE; Pliometric Merkins, OYO/OBE (Big Shout-Out to “Spoiler” who did the hand-clap version); V-Ups, SC x 10; SSHs, IC x 20.

Mary: Fire hydrants; mosey to flag.

CoT; envoi.

Many places I would rather have been at 5:00 AM; no place I would rather be at 6:15 AM.


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