03/22/2023 - Steel Town - Arms, Abs, Legs

AO: Steel Town

When: 03/22/2023


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Dr. Luck, Dr. Seuss, Open House,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dr. Seuss

The BackBlast:

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm-up: trunk rolls OYO. IC X 10-20: Michael Phelps, raise-the-roof, hill billys, toy soldiers, grass pickers, WGS, Peter Parkers, Mike Tysons, SSH.

Mosey around the parking lot.

The Thang: 3 sets of 10 Merkins, 20 big boys, 30 squats.

Mosey to pavilion. 3 sets of 10 tucks, 20 dips, 30 step-ups.

Mosey to shovel flag for bat wings and motivators.  One more lap around the parking lot.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer.

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