12/02/2023 - Steel Town - Another Simple Progression.

AO: Steel Town

When: 12/02/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Chrysalis, Dr. Luck, Dynamite, Gambit, Milestone, Open House,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Doctor Luck

The BackBlast:

3 for EBS.  Ran 55 minutes.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.

Warm (well, in comparison), damp, foggy morning.  Six PAX posted.  Many of our brothers away on other expeditions.  Rest of us were as one with Tom Petty.

Did a whole-body, body-weight and running beat down.

Warm-o-rama: Neck rolls; Trunk rolls; Overhead claps; Seal claps; Large arm circles; Shoulder taps; Peter Parkers; Imperial Walkers; Grass Pickers; Merkins; Mountain Climbers; Toy Soldiers.  Mostly IC x 10.

Run 2 Down and Backs (21 parking spots, however wide they are).

The Thang:

Round One: Merkins, IC x 10; Squats, IC x 20; Merkins, IC x 10; Squats, IC x 20; Merkins, IC x 10.

Run 2 Down and Backs.

Round Two: Squats, IC x 20; LBCs, IC x 20; Squats, IC x 20: LBCs, IC x 20; Squats, IC x 20.

Run 2 Down and Backs.

Round Three: LBCs, IC x 20; Dips, IC x 10; LBCs, IC x 20; Dips, IC x 10; LBCs, IC x 20.

Run 2 Down and Backs.

Round Four: Dips, IC x 10; Squat Jumps, SC x 15; Dips, IC x 10; Squat Jumps, SC x 15; Dips, IC x 10.

Run 2 Down and Backs.

Round Five: Squat Jumps, SC x 15; Derkins, IC x 10; Squat Jumps, SC x 15; Derkins, IC x 10; Squat Jumps, SC x 15.

Mary: Bird Dogs, IC x 10; walk a slow loop around the parking lot.

CoT.  Count/Name-o-ramas; Announcements; Prayers and Praises.  Envoi.

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