02/10/2022 - Trojan - Alphabet Beatdown

AO: Trojan

When: 02/10/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Boo Boo, Copay, Dr. Seuss, Heisenberg, Hot Shot, Long Haul, Pâté,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pâté

The BackBlast:

This beatdown was done at my first posting to F3 at the Chieftain in the Indian Valley 1 year ago. FONDA is the mad man behind this beatdown. It’s been an awesome year and life changing for me and my family. Thank you all for being part of it. SYITG.

F3 principles and disclaimer.


-Arm Circles/Circles Arm (IC: 12x each direction)

-SSH (IC: 12x)

-Grass (Weed) Pickers (a.k.a: Asphalt Touches (IC: 12x)

-Michael Phelps (IC: 12x)




A: American Hammers (IC: 12x)

B: Burpees (SC-O.Y.O.: 12x)

C: Carolina Dry Docks (IC: 12x)

D: Dips (SC: 12x)


F: Forward Lunges (IC: 12 each leg)

G: Goofball (IC: 12x)

H: High Plank (60 sec.)

I: Irkins (IC: 12x)

J: Jump Squats (SC-O.Y.O.:  12x)

K: Knerkin (SC: 12x)

L: Left Side Plank (ten count by each PAX)

M: Mountain Climbers (IC: 12x)

N: Newton’s Cradle (IC: 12x)

O: Overhead Coupon Shoulder Press (SC: 12x)

P: Plank Jacks (IC: 12x)

Q: *QUICK…We all Mosey!!

R: Right Side Plank (10 count by each PAX)

S: Step-Ups (IC: 12x)

T: Triceps Behind Head Coupon Press (SC: 12x)

U: Up-Downs (12x)

V: V-Ups (SC-O.Y.O.: 12x)

W: Weed Pickers (IC: 12x)

X: X-Country Skier (IC: 12x)

Y: *YES, you guessed it…PAX Mosey!!

Z: Zig-Zag Hops – hopped line under pavilion due to icy conditions in the lot where we would have hopped over coupons.




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F3 Lehigh Valley