Knock Nox and Run like you knocked over a Bee Hive

SATURDAY – JULY 29, 2017      QIC:  Uptown Girl A welcoming serenade to the PAX was played to lift the early morning gloom.  There are only two things in life!  Energy and Matter.  If you have the energy,  the challenges of life won’t matter.  Our creator has given us a wonderful gift! Cowboy Wisdom:  “Choose …

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True Gloom in all its glory!

Six brave men cut through the thick fog to rendezvous at “The Pond” We partnered up to ensure no soul was lost in the gloom The Warmup: SSH Sun gods Grass Pickers Mountain Climbers Plank Jacks The Thang: Partner Dora 1 2 3 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs P1- run across the field, burpee …

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Trojan back blast.

Date: 7/27/17 Q..Drop Box Warm up. 1. Mosey 2. 20 Side straddle hops in cadence 3. 20 Abe Vagotas in cadence 4. Arm circles 5. Hugging bears 6. 20 Merkins in cadence 7. 20 Mountain climbers in cadence 8. 20 Big Boy sit ups OYO The Thang 50 yard sprint 10 Burpees, ssh for the …

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Under Pressure

Sat. July 22, 2017 Welcome:  Fitness, Fellowship, Faith.   Free, All Men, Outside, Rotationally Led, COT Warmarama: Side Straddle Hops in cadence, arm circles in cadence, quad stretch 10 count switch, reach for the stars with bar 10 count, side lunges 3 count 5 each side, pendulums with bar in cadence, hold plank stretch calves. Mumble …

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Carnival Fun in Fleetwood

Date: [07/21/17] Qic: [Bogey] Introduction: [The Fleetwood Carnival is in town and have taken over our AO.  That’s okay, that didn’t stop 5 intrepid HIM (high impact men) from challenging one another with a solid workout in the Friday Berks County Gloom.   The verse of the day was 1 Peter 5: 8-10 8 Be alert and of …

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Bustin’ Stones at the Swamp

  The boys kicked off promptly at 5:30 AM, were ‘disclaimed’ and presented with rocks (patio pavers) by Q Neon. The pavers are of an athletic variety; ergonomic and engineered for high-intensity workouts. Not only do they fit in your hand and offer a porous stone grip but they are also designed to increase in …

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Green Grass and Wet Arses!

SATURDAY – JULY 15, 2017      QIC:  Uptown Girl Could we possibly get any more rain in July?  It doesn’t seem possible; however, 70% chance was in the forecast. Cowboy Wisdom:  “There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear.” The threat of rain could not keep our FNG’s away.  A special …

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Field of Screams

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert. Warm-o-rama “The bullpen” 50 …

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F3 Lehigh Valley