8 PAX surfaced with arms still recovering from IronPAX Challenge Week #2, but even when given the opportunity to opt-out for a running workout option, they each selected the challenge. T-claps for choosing to do hard things and accelerate in the gloom!
Haul gear to baseball field
Mosey around the park
SSH x 20 (IC)
Peter Parkers x 20 (IC)
Low Slow Squats x 10 (IC)
Iron PAX Challenge
Repeating sets of:
Descending Burpees block jumps starting and 15
CrossFit Merkins x 50
Broad Jumps 20 yards
Burpee block jumps x 14
Goblet Squats w/ cinder block x 50
Broad Jumps
Burpee block jumps x 13
Leg Raises w/ cinder block overhead x 50
Broad Jumps
Burpee block jumps x 12 and continue rotating AMRAP in 30 minutes
Plank and hold at Q’s discretion
One arm plank left hand with right arm raises
Flip flop
Dancing Chillicuts x 10 (IC)
Flutter Kicks x 25 (IC)
LBCs x 30 (IC)
Haul gear to the flag
Namorama – Welcome FNG Balut
A word from Isaiah 63