DLST (Day light saving time)

Warm-o-Rama:   Mosey around towards the main entrance of the park and circled up at the amphitheater. 13 SSH then 2 attempts at the silent 21 SSH. 1st attempt failed = 5 burpee penalty it was all YHC’s fault. Success on 2nd attempt! The Thang:  DayLight Savings Time (using the letters D L S and T). …

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Disclaimer was given Warm up: neck rolls, huggy bears, reach for the Sky stretch….lean in all directions with arms stretched high then down to the ground, grass pickers IC, hold plans for 10 count,  plank Jack’s, shoulder taps Short mosey, 10 ssh IC The Thang:  PAX MAX Merkin Max….pump out merkins till you stop….(partner check …

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Hill Top Workout

F3 Blast Furnace, Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA Q : Dial-Up PAX : 10 Conditions: Sunny and 37 degrees Warm-up Stretches Mosey to American Legion Parking Lot Arm circles (Side, front up high above head) Toy Soldiers Side Straddle Hops Basic Stretching Across Parking lot: Merkin with Bear crawl Backward Lunges Mosey to Boyant Hill  Sprint to top …

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Lower ab lab

Lower ab lab: Did eight different lower ab exercises (including, V sits, leg lifts, side plank, penguins, oblique crunches, reverse crunches, and prone goof balls) ran 1/4 mile. Repeat until the bell. COT.

Shield-Lock Ruck

Conditions: Dark, cold and windy start from the ‘Hive’, but lightened up on the descent back to the ‘Hive’. Thang: Only two HIM’s posted for the ruck this morning, Dynamite and Mani. Illness and/or injury has struck the F3 LV PAX over the last few weeks, leaving men to take care of their health first before stepping …

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Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee

Conditions:  32 degrees, windy. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.  Mosey to shelter. Theme- adversity is like boiling water.  God allows adversity in our lives to mature us in the ways that He knows we need maturing.  Some guys are like carrots; they need some boiling water to help them become more flexible, less rigid.  So …

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The Ranch +3

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Motivators starting at 5, crab cakes, imperial walkers, Murkins and Big boy sit ups.   The “Thang “ Ran 1+ miles to Catty park #2.  Did 10 Burpees OYO followed by a three exercises drill I picked up from Thursday morning Trojan workout ( thanks Long haul) …

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Good times,Bad Jokes

10 Posted on a beautiful late winter morning,36 degrees,no wind,clear at the Trojan. Disclaimer given on to the warm-up:. Inspirational quote of the, borrowed from Hawkeye,”live every day”. Warm-up,Ssh,Abe Vigodas,Grass pickers, monkey jumpers,reach for the Stars,neck rolls,shoulder rolls,trunk rolls,motivators, from 5(led by Mani.Each exercise section accompanied by dumb joke…what is invisible and smells like bananas…a …

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Up and Down the Hill

F3 Blast Furnace, Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA Conditions :  39 degrees and dry Q : Spike Beatdown  : 2 PAX posted  YHC was a bit worried he’d be alone this morning, after hearing from a few of our Thursday regulars that they wouldn’t make it, but Tuck arrived ready to roll! DISCLAIMER :  was given, …

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Sympathy Pains

Excited to start this blustery morning off with a story about how important it is to stretch and warm-up before working out.   It turns out in a parent player basketball game last night my wife heard an unusual pop; which turned out to be her hamstring getting hamstrung.  Fast forward through the overnight therapy I …

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F3 Lehigh Valley