Just another Monday
Three Pax posted virtually with F3 Princeton for their one year Manniversary. It was a great time for all.
Three Pax posted virtually with F3 Princeton for their one year Manniversary. It was a great time for all.
A cool but perfect morning for a run. (Real Feel 34 degrees). Today’s workout was set-up with an interval routine. It also included a Burpee Forgiveness act for Shirley upon completion of a Full Starsky by Humvee. Since Humvee showed up at the end of the workout with a full pot of coffee, the Burpee …
Merry Go Round Welcome VDR (Virtually Down Range) Pax from F3 Naperville Blueprint. Disclaimer given. No warm up as the THANG is long. Round 1 50 Squats 40 WWII Situps 30 Merkins 20 Makhtar N’Diayes 10 Burpees Round 2 – Plank A Rama – any variety of plank acceptable Plank – Three minutes Rest – …
It was a beautiful morning (43 degrees), a nice cool breeze providing a 39 degree real feel. Apparently, there was an alarm mishap at Knievel’s house so his elaborate scheme to give us a workout will have to wait until later this week or next. YHC jumped in with a medley of old workout routines …
Who’da thought? YHC gamely signed up to Q Saturday’s Grease Monkey workout thinking it would just be the usual suspects…ya’ know…Flame, Dr. Seuss, Mani. Turned out to be a flash mob! 31 PAX from up and down the eastern seaboard joined the workout. Now, would that ever have happened before we’ve had forced isolation from …
In all my life I have never felt the way I do right now, and I have been through some tough shit. It is hard to avoid the feeling that I have no control over … well anything. What exactly is going on? What exactly is next? Can I take care of my family? Can …
Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls, imperial walkers, Murkins, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps. The Thang “ Ran 3/4 miles to Catty park #2 started by doing the Squat and Murkins Challenge . We did 100 Squats, then We did the 100 Murkins with LBCs in between for resting …
Conditions: It was a lightened start to the day with a beautiful, clear blue sky and a temperature of 35 degrees. Nine PAX posted for the beatdown this morning. The disclaimer was stated prior to the start of the workout and all agreed to the values of F3 with an AYE! Warm-a-Rama: With the exception of jogging …
Conditions: Dawn was beginning to make her appearance upon The Bee Hive at 0530. It was a clear, but brisk start to the ruck with a temperature of 34 degrees. “Thang:” Only me, Dynamite, posted to the ruck this morning. I got started promptly at 0530 this morning. The ruck started at the Shimerville Rd parking lot …
Conditions: It was a cloudy, damp, and cool start for the ruck at The Trojan, with a temperature of 44 degrees. “Thang:” The ruck began in the lowest parking lot of the Trojan, just in front of the pavilion. I trekked west/southwest to Shantz Rd for about 150ft and then turned east onto Windermier Dr, south …