F3 Fleetwood Quarterly Assessment

On this gorgeous summer morning, we began with an abbreviated disclaimer & WarmaRama: neck rolls, arm circles, trunk rolls, & Monkey Humpers.  After a short mosey to the ‘padded playground’ we began the assessment: maximum reps within 2 minutes: merkins, squats, burpees, sit-ups & pull-ups.  Lots of encouragement of our brothers to achieve their maximum …

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Easy as 1, 2, 3

3 Pax met the day after the successful launch of F3 Indian Valley for a musical beat down. conditions: a perfect dry 65 degrees disclaimer was given   warmup: Grass Pickers, Abe Vagodas, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Circle Arms, and some good stretching thrown in   The Thang Quick mosey over to the wall behind …

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F3 Indian Valley Launch!

23 PAX (including 6 FNGs) converged upon The Chieftain (Franconia Community Park, Telford, PA) for the launch of F3 Indian Valley! With HIM representing F3 Princeton, F3 Valley Forge, F3 Lehigh Valley, F3 Philly and F3 Villanova, an absolutely beautiful morning and 6 FNGs anxious to experience their first F3 beatdown, the recipe was just …

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Did Someone Say Hills?

Conditions: It was a partly cloudy sunrise with a temperature of 68 degrees. Five PAX abandoned the fart sack this morning to post for the run/ruck. Two PAX just squeaked in @0530 as the disclaimer was being stated. Warm-a-Rama: A few exicon exercises were selected to warm up the primary areas targeted during a run/ruck. All exercises …

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Little League Baseball

15 posted on a beautiful morning. Knievel started the warm ups as the Q was fashionably late:) Penalty burpees were assessed! A short run to some basic exercises followed by another run to the ball field for a “baseball game”. We did a set of exercises followed by a run around the field which completed …

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The Grill is Open!

Today’s plan was to meet at the Bartram Trail head and do a reconnaissance run to the Hamburg Community Park to see if it was open.  It has been great to use the Bartram Trail as an alternative AO while the park is closed but one big down side is that there is no cover …

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No Burpees

There are two workouts each week you can posts and find no burpees.  (even if you are late, just ask Dr. Seuss and Shirley).  You might be left behind; however, this morning we had a 4 minute warm-up that took 9 minutes, so no one had to play catch up. Warmarama – Ben Parke’s 4 …

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100th +1

We did a modified version of my 100 workout. Basically we added one more exercise. We had no warm-up we just started right into the work out because the work at itself is a whole bunch of warm up exercises. We did 8 different exercises 10 times in a row for a total of 100 …

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Green light at the Ranch

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Trunk Rolls, Murkins, Plank Jacks, streching The Thang Moseyed to the other side of the pool stopped at the basketball court for two sets of dealers choice exercises 25 counts (  Carolina dry docks , Crab Cakes, LBCS and Low Plank) moseyed a half mile to the …

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Beatdown in the Rain Down

Conditions: It was a cloudy and dry start to the beatdown with a temperature of 68 degrees. Rain moved in about 20 minutes into the “Thang.” 16 HIM’s and 2.0’s abandoned the fart sack this morning and posted for the beatdown! YHC co-Q’d the workout with Sensei. Warm-a-Rama: All exercises were performed for 12 reps IC with …

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F3 Lehigh Valley