Summer Love

Humid.  Disclaimer verbally accepted. Mosey to warm-up with high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle, and touching the ground while jogging. Warm up: OYO – trunk rolls, huggy bears, LB arm circles.  IC x 10 – overhead claps, night clubs, grass pickers, calf stretch. Low impact cardio: IC x 20 – imperial walkers, Peter Parkers, mountain …

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Pick up the 4th?!

Conditions: It was a gorgeous sunny start to the first F3 workout of the week with a temperature of 67 degrees. Four PAX abandoned the cozy fart sack to sharpen their bodies and spirits in nature with a ruck/run. Three PAX rucked and one PAX lightly jogged solo. The jogger was later spotted with a flat …

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Ruckin’ N Rollin’

Conditions: It was a partly cloudy with glimpses of sun peeking out, humid and warm with a temperature of 72 degrees. YHC posted for the ruck with a 25# ruck sack. “Thang:” I departed from the Shimerville Rd parking lot at 0531 and walked east onto PA Ave. I made a right onto 12th street followed by …

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And Then There Were 10

78 degrees and humid at 5:30am did not deter the PAX, 10 in attendance. Way to go gang! Disclaimers agreed to by all. Warm up: OYO – Casey Kasums, Neck Roll, Huggie Bears. IC – Abe Vigoda, Merkins. The Thang: 3 opted to ruck and the balance went on a long, slow 3.4 mile mosey. …

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Field of Dreams

F3 Boot Camp Workout –  Wednesday July 8, 2020 Conditions :  74F and muggy, 95-100% humidity, heavy overcast without sun Q : Spike 8  PAX posted  DISCLAIMER :  was given in earnest, as this was the second workout ever at this AO – including a description of F3 : Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. Free, Rotational lead, …

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1776 at the Grill

Independence Day — most of the PAX were away this weekend but two true patriots posted for a sweaty workout in warm, humid conditions. Warm-a-rama: arm circles, Abe vigoda, Grass Pickers, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch The Thang: YHC opted to try the infamous 1776 workout – 4 rounds of 4 different exercises in 4 …

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Americas Rolling Hills

Warm up Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, SS hops,LBCS,  Murkins, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps, Arm Circles, Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls, Monkey humpers . The “Thang “ moseyed around the park stopped at the bottom of the rolling hills by the stage to begin our workout. starting at the bottom of the hill, we did an exercise …

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Independence Day

Weather: Perfect conditions for sweating.  Disclaimer verbally accepted. Mosey to football field pavilion. The Thang: 1776 – 4 rounds of 4 different exercises in 4 sets of 25 reps each OYO.  Round 1– Arms: overhead claps.  Abs: hundreds.  Legs: squats.  Lungs/Cardio: mountain climbers.  Round 2 – Merkins.  Abs: American hammers.  Legs: lunges.  Lungs: goof balls.  …

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Four on the fourth – four PAX met to celebrate the fourth of July, on a humid, 75-degree morning. Warm-up: SSH, Bat Wings (FWD, BACK, Ray Lewis, Seal Claps), Abe Vigota, Imperial Walkers, Turn-and-Bounce, Hillbilly Walker, Copperhead Merkin. Mosey to the stage for more warm-up: two sets of dips (IC-10), American Hammer (IC-20), and Step-ups …

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Conditions: It was partly cloudy with sun peeking through the clouds, dry and humid with a temperature of 71 degrees. Seven PAX (ironic that seven signifies completion in the Word) abandoned the fart sack and decided it was better to take the DRP. A special t-clap goes to Gunslinger for holding his proud papa accountable and …

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F3 Lehigh Valley