Runners Choice Reprise

40 degrees, clear 4 posted for a Treehugger led workout… disclosure (during SSH) 100 Merkins  60  break  40 mosey round fitness track to swing set area… The Thang:  Sprinters Choice PAX take turns running one lap around track… Pax picks 1 AB exercise…all do together then that PAX takes off running….next runner picks main exercise …

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Weather Policy

Weather Policy: For the safety of the PAX we have a developed a Temperature Rating to determine CANCELLATION or proposal of alternative AO where temperature rating can be met. F3 LEHIGH VALLEY TEMPERATURE RATING = 0 DEGREES Fahrenheit Temperature rating is determined by taking Actual Temperature in F degrees and subtracting wind speed. We will …

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A 26er on the 27th

3 PAX posted on this first Monday coming out of the holiday weekend.. 36 degrees, clear warmarama:  SSH x 20, Mountain climbers x 15 The Thang:  26er 13 exercises, 26 reps each start at pavilion, mosey together to base of hill, backwards run up hill, do exercise at top, bear crawl down hill, mosey together …

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Black Friday Convergence at the Pond

On a day when hordes of people are descending upon retail outlets all over Pennsylvania to blow cash on big screens, toaster ovens and shop vacs, 9 high impact men met on a frigid (24 degrees) morning to push each other to be better, and spend some of those much earned calories from yesterday’s feast.  …

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Full of Thanks

Today’s Thanksgiving Workout;  YHC decided to pull out some scripture  and bake it into our workout.  So beyond being grateful for God his WORD, YHC wants to challenge himself and all of us to use the Word of God.  My prayer is that through this workout we marinate on it and grow as men who …

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Where’s my socks?

It was 5:22 AM and the Q’s pregame consisted of a doggy dig through the laundry room for clean socks. There was no counting involved, just bad words, but at least 50 reps were done. In his hand were the socks of the M, 2.o, 2.1 and 2.2 — but not his. Finally, two socks …

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Backwards Bears and Baseball

YHC on Q and rolling in hot with only a minute to spare…driving Treehuggers truck with trailer that he graciously lent me to pick up a washer and dryer the day before…..thankful for brothers that are quick to help, and for God’s provision with this free dryer just when my family needed it…much to be …

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Crazy 8s

11/17/17 Demo stepped up to lead, and we have an FNG!!   warmarama mosry to pavilion for crazy 8s 8 exercises:  start 1 rep each, back to back, work your way to 8 reps each then back down… irkins, derkins, big boys, pull-ups, dips, box jumps, lunges, Squats took a break halfway thru for around …

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Where’s the trail??

Chilly and Dark, 5 HIMs (high impact men) of Berks county met up to beat their bodies and encourage each other… warmarama:  SSH, hillbillies, MH’s indian run around lower (unlit) end of track….missed a turn, lost the track, didn’t see a hill….with my history of running in the dark you’d think this would be a …

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A long walk …

#BigWheelRuck – What is that? In order to learn the meaning behind this hashtag I need to share a story. This story does not have a happy ending and has brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion. After a CSAUP event Eric Swendsen fell to the ground and had a massive heart …

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F3 Lehigh Valley