Elevens and Dragons

28, no wind Disclosure warmarama: grasspickers, SSH, MH’s mosey around fitness loop to basketball court The Thang: Elevens (burpees/ merkins) merkins on one side of court, animal walk width of court, burpees on other side. animals included: Dragons (tough!), bearcrawl, crawlbear, crabwalk, frog jump Break in middle for abs: dealers choice mosey to ball field …

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Merkin Mile

07-Dec-2017 4 PAX posted to the Trojan workout on a clear crisp Pearl Harbor Day morning.  YHC, being off routine due to a full F3 agenda the prior evening, forgot his sweatshirt and so was anxious to get moving to stave off the chill. A disclaimer was delivered and the PAX jumped into the workout. …

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The Max Multiplyer

38, windy as heck 9 brave souls ventured into the blustery December morning and pushed themselves and each other. treehugger announced it was 530 and off we went for a run the length of the parking lot and back x 2… off for a mosey down to playground… -disclosure given while holding plank for 2 …

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Spring Training

It was a mild December day with temps akin to those in spring for some heavy breathing on the baseball diamond. The matutinal activities commenced with a mosey through parking down to baseball field. Warm-o-rama Side straddle hops, lunges, squats, goofballs, arm circles, Spiderman Merkins, monkey Humpers galore The Thang Partner up for three innings! …

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12 days of Christmas in Fleetwood

28 degrees, clear, supermoon 8 Pax posted to the Iron Maiden to spread Christmas cheer F3 style with the 12 days of Christmas bootcamp. Disclosure issued Warmarama: grass pickers, SSH x 20, mosey around lower loop (3 PAX donning headlamps due to lack of lighting on trail) return to Pavilion for The Thang: The 12 …

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Four PAX did a 3 mile ruck this morning. Welcome back Cooter, I’m glad we found something you can do. A lot of great mumblechatter during this time together.

Rucking Around

As a last minute fill in Q there was nothing prepared for this morning’s workout. I was as lost as the PAX. I have no clue what I am doing. Where am I? Oh Crap! Good thing I am a High Impact Man and able to “Q on the fly.” Warm-A-Rama Jog to the lower …

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Friday Burner at The Pond

38, clear, stars were out..”The heavens declare the glory of GOD” 7 pax plus 1 FNG…almost a naked post but Mcbeal flew in a few minutes into X jacks warmarama: ssh, x jacks, ATMs…lined up on edge of parking lot:  high knees length of lot, butt kickers back, karaoke across, 85 per cent sprint back. …

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Parnerkins are Better with a Partner – Nov 30

The QIC arrived at the Trojan at ~ 5:20 AM and waited in expectation of the PAX arrivals.  A car drove up the lane at ~ 5:25 and YHC thought “here is the first PAX”; but alas it turned into another parking lot and was someone coming to walk their dog.  Minutes passed and the …

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Stung at the Hive – Nov 25

On the day prior to the workout the texts rolled across Neon’s cell from the Site Q and other F3 big wigs with excused absences for the following day’s workout. The only one without a doctor’s note was Neon. Despite the holiday weekend and turkey hangovers, 9 posted to the Hive looking for a stinging …

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F3 Lehigh Valley