PBAM challenge

36, wet, no rain warmarama: x jacks, mountain climbers sprints across parking lot and back, 3 exercises each round when return round 1: 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 lbcs…round 2: 40 of each, round 3: 60 of each -mosey to band shell PBAM 2 min to win it: 2 min plank 2 min burpees AMRAP …

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Trojan Menagerie

22-Feb-2018 3 PAX arrived in the Trojan gloom to enjoy a damp February predawn workout.  The disclaimer was delivered (extended version) and the PAX commenced with the workout by moseying to the entrance to the park. Warm-a-rama: Sun Gods, Abe Vigoda, Best Stretch Ever, Plank Jack, Peter Parker The Thang: Scout Run from park entrance …

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Misty Mountain Hop

‘Twas a mild February morning in the low 40s and mist was in the air. Despite the fact that there was no Led Zepplin playing, the Swamp is located at the base of the South Mountain and with the mist…it was the best workout title Neon could conjure up. 5:30 AM: A welcome and ‘legal’ …

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Uptown Girl’s 50th Log Celebration Workout

YHC showed up 6:27am to find Beaker, Boo Boo, and X-Man.  The decision was made that 50th celebration log carrying ceremony would need to be postponed.  Lady Glitter Sparkles was packed back in my car ready take in a celebration on another day.  Then as if a flash of light appeared; within 10 seconds of …

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Merkins, merkins, and more merkins.  Tossed in some LBC’s, and made the mosey into broad jumps.  With a bit of master blaster thrown in, it was sufficiently challenging.

“Uptown50” Workout Returns for Uptown Girl’s 50th Workout

Lady Glitter Sparkles will be getting a workout this Saturday at 6:30am to celebrate Uptown Girl’s 50th “ish” workout with F3.  The exact count of workouts Uptown Girl has done is not certain.  On the official record “Flame Post Counter” ticked him over 50 this week. In honor of this accomplishment you are cordially invited …

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Winter Olympics

Running a little late this morning, but just in time to stop Beaker from starting without me.  Excited to introduce a workout inspired by my M in tribute to the Winter Olympics.  More excited that starting temperature for this workout was over 40 degrees.  Nothing brings appreciation for 40 degrees like those 10 degree days. …

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Valentine’s Day Prep

13-Feb-2018 Four PAX rolled into the Swamp in various states of alertness due to recovering from illness or being awake throughout the night with sick kids. The disclaimer was delivered: “I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk …

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The “Q” – Disclaimer (“Said Naturally”)

I am always impressed with how eloquently our brothers from the F3 Nation put into words what needs to be communicated.   If  you are like me, sometimes you know what you want to say, but it just doesn’t come out right.   I realize now that in order to overcome this I need to do TWO …

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February 10, 2018 6:30 – 7:30a.m. Disclaimer read by Uptown. Warm-up exercises included: side straddle hops, abe vagodas, grass pickers, arm circles, huggy bears, and a few stretches for quads, hamstrings, and groin. Movement#1: Mental exercise: Teams of three appointed a captain who memorized Ecc. 4:12 – “Though one is vulnerable to attack, two can defend …

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F3 Lehigh Valley