Baseball at the Pond

What’s object of baseball:  get HOME, one of the key objectives of our Christian faith is to get to our ETERNAL HOME! Mosey to bandshell Warm-up in:  head rotations, arm circles, trunk rotations, Abe Vigodas,  Monkey-humpers 9 innings in a ML baseball game?  index cards with ‘inning #’s: 1      God:        “You must not have …

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Circles of Pain

Still feeling the effects of a long winter.  A winter that won’t go away.  It’s April 5, 2018 with 33 degrees with 13 mile per hour winds, real feel 20 degrees.  Snow is still in the forecast! Disclaimer: Only men over the age of 18 can participate in the workout and accept this disclaimer. I am not …

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15 in 15 (The Scroll)

15 in 15 (The Scroll) Warmarama Indian run around Fleetwood Park (approx. 1/2 mile) 1 minute exercise / 10 second break Suicides (1, 2, 3, to the side, touch ground, 1, 2, 3 back…) Basketball Drills Squats Squat Pulses Side Straddle hops Heisman (or speed skating) Frog Jumps (Jump front, jump back. Butt low, touch …

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Stretch Yourself Murph, I mean First

I exchanged a few text messages last night and this morning with some PAX.  Some good chatter about the value of a massage.  YHC has have been ignoring the signals of soreness that have been building up in the legs this winter.  While on the massage table yesterday and squirming to the point of near …

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…will travel

33, snowing warmarama:  SSH x 30 travel: run around lower (snow covered) track..,return to pavilion Pavilion workout set 1 50 squats 45 X jacks 40 WW1s 35 dips 30 merkins 25 Mountain climbers 20 boxjumps 15 Carolina dry docks 10 burpees travel:  lunge walk across pavilion and back   set 2 (repeat set 1) travel: …

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Stations of the Cross Workout

It was a beautiful 33 degree gloom at 6:45 am as the sun started to come over the horizon.  Boo Boo and YHC rolled up in my half clown car for the Hamburg inaugural workout on this Holy Saturday, March 31, 2018.  As a man it is easy to get too familiar with our situations …

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Road to Emmaus

Saturday, March 30, 2018 Disclaimer invoked by the Q. Seasonal and geographical inspiration from Luke 24:13, 32.  The road from Jerusalem to Emmaus is 7 miles.  At average walking speed a 180 pound man burns about 770 calories covering that distance.  PAX were promised to burn at least that many calories during the one hour …

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Just a Minute

29-Mar-2018 The disclaimer was read and six PAX moseyed off to the park entrance for a warm-a-rama of Arm Circles, Abe Vigodas, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, Peter Parkers, and Monkey Humpers followed by a comfortable mosey back to the pavilion. The Thang: One minute of each exercise with a short recovery between sets.  The recovery …

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Fartsack Conquest

To the surprise of the regular Swampers, two familiar faces emerged from the darkness hungry for an F3-style full body thrashing. One of the PAX mistook them for FNGs, but later learned that they were brothers who had succumbed to the fartsack for far too long. Rested and fresh they had conquered the fartsack on …

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Three-Alarm Workout

24-Mar-2018 7 PAX posted to the Beehive for a three-alarm workout. The disclaimer was given by Uptown Girl and the PAX circled up for warm-a-rama of SSH, Sun Gods, Abe Vigoda, Hillbillies, Plank Jack, Peter Parker, Best Stretch Ever, Hamstring Stretch, and Side Squats. Thang 1: The PAX traversed across the slick lot and climbed …

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F3 Lehigh Valley