Game On! Neon Girls vs. Beaker Boos

A beautiful start to the day, 39 degrees and no sun in sight at 5:30 am.  This workout was inspired by the NBA Playoffs underway. Everyone has a chance to get their own double double or triple double today like all the greatest players of all time.  YHC has modified the Wilt Chamberlain routine in …

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River Walk

14-Apr-2018 5 PAX posted to the Grill for a pleasant stroll along the river on the most Spring-like day this year.  The disclaimer was read and the workout commenced. Warm-a-rama: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Hillbillies, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch, Monkey Humpers, Hamstring Stretch The Thang: Mosey to river path.  Travel ~ …

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Indian mosey with merkins led by rotating frontrunner.  3x Pullups to failure.  Then master blaster to finish out.  I Corinthians 12 talk about body being made up of many parts–each with different gifts.

Return of the Scroll

39 degrees, pouring rain, windy warmarama:  SSH, grass pickers, goof balls the scroll ( 11 exercises, 1 min/ 10 sec rest tabada)….we did the scroll twice with abs between and after  Burpees mountain climbers american hammers squat thrust to frog jump spider man lunge jumps merkins speed skaters x jacks lunges high knees —break for …

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Reaping and Sowing

A beautiful start to the day, 51 degrees and sun almost up at 6:30 am.  I decided that I’m going to start showing up for workout 10 minutes early, because regretfully I’ve been showing up closer to 6:29 am to 6:32 am in the winner months.  That is not the leadership expectation I want to …

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Workout By DESIGN

A beautiful start to the day 41 degrees and clear.  Warm enough for a sailor’s return.  Good to see Skipper back in action.  Today’s workout was inspired by last night Iron Sharpens Iron meeting.  What is life all about anyway?  As a man, you might find value in answering a few simple questions. Disclaimer: Only …

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Baseball at the Swamp

What’s object of baseball:  get HOME.  One of the key objectives of our Christian faith is to get to our ETERNAL HOME! Mosey to flagpole (1st base) Warm-up in:  head rotations, arm circles, trunk rotations, squats, calf-raises Mosey to 2nd base: 9 innings in a ML baseball game?  index cards with 1st inning:      …

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It’s worth the weight

Weighted vest and rucksack rotation. 9 guys chose a number between 1 and 9 #1 would wear weighted vest (floor to ceiling squats) #2 would wear rucksack (diamond, standard, wide, girl merkins to failure in that order) #3 through #9 would do the workout that the weighted vest chose. #1 would choose an excercise that …

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Saturday, April 7, 2018 38°F with a stiff breeze 8 PAX posted to the second workout at The Grill. The core principles and mission of F3 were reiterated and the disclaimer given. Mosey to the tennis court for warm-a-rama: Arm Cirlces, Huggy Bears, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jack, Peter Parker, Best Stretch Ever, Downward …

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F3 Needs You

Saturday, April 7, 2018 Most of us recognize that we need F3 or something like it as we age.  But sometimes we forget that F3 is a two way street. The truth of the matter is that F3 needs you as much as you need F3.  It’s beneficial to get encouragement from your brothers as …

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F3 Lehigh Valley