Saturday, 10/7/17 – Lake Champion, NY
Priority One Guy’s Weekend
Slim and I planted the shovel flag over 24 hours in advance of workout with the following note taped to it…. “F3 Boot Camp Workout Saturday! Meet here @ 6:15am”
The retreat director further planted the seed with an announcement to the 337 men after dinner. Lots of mumble chatter and EH’ing continued as we approached the gloom.
A brief welcome was given by YHC and introduction of Chip Hawkins who came out of his wheel chair and with oxygen to sing for us God Bless the USA! YHC transitioned DISCLOUSRE to Flame.
A mosey through the sprinklers to the soccerfield. Circle up for a brief instruction on cadence. Sungods, Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Peter Parker, SSH, Monkey Humpers, Hill Billies, Alabama Ass Kickers, Crab Cakes
Part 1 – Log Pile
Mosey down past the maintenance shed to the log pile. Some guys picked up trees, others cut fire wood, and some buckets of soil up to top of hill. (1/4 mile). Some guys flipped logs down hill and off cliff. Other guys went up and down hill with buckets and firewood. SSH and Monkey Humpers until 6.
Part 2 – Ascending Partner Suicides
Spaced out two cones about 110 yards part. Both partners start at same spot.
P1 – Bear Crawl as far as possible; while P2 10 merkins, P2 sprints to switch with P1
P1 – Crab Walk as far as possible; while P2 20 monkey humpers, P2 sprints to switch with P1
P3 – Inch Worm as far as possible; while P2 30 SSH, P2 sprints to switch with P1
Thang 3 – The Wall
Mosey to the wall down by the lake.
1. Urkins
2. Derkins
3. Dips
4. Step Ups
Crunchy Frog, WWI sit-ups, Plank Twists, Freddie Mercury, Snow Angels, Flutter Kicks
CoRama – 26
NoRama – 15 FNG’s maybe more. Crotch Rocket, Destiny Child, Flipper, Sumo, Duece, Over Easy, Tap Out, Black Hawk, Monkey Wrench, Selfie, Big Blue, Snoop, Pappa Bear, Dr. Feel Good, and Napoleon
Lord thank you for bringing us all together this weekend to learn more about what it means to go ALL IN as men for you. The battle is real and don’t fool yourself. You need a brother to walk with you to push you and encourage you to give your best. We know we are living 3rd; behind you and our family.
Last and certainly not least, Chip took us out with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.