5 PAX braved the beautiful Saturday morning weather for the very first ever Valley Forge workout in Reeves Park. 2 of the Faithful made the drive from Leigh Valley to support and show the new AO the F3 way, thank you Flame and Dr. Seuss! The 6th and final member of the PAX came in hot to reminders that the workout starts at 6:30 and received numerous empty threats of getting a tardy F3 nickname.
Disclaimer and introduction to the 3F’s of F3
The Thang
Mosey around the park to the youth baseball field
35 Side straddle hops (In cadence)
30 Imperial Walkers (IC)
30 Plankjacks (IC)
25 Low country crabs (IC)
25 Peter Parkers (IC)
25 Windmills (IC)
PAX partnered up for:
Partner 1: Air Squats to reach total of 500
Partner 2: Run from 1st base line to left field fence for 20 mountain climbers and back
Lunge 40 yards to the big tree
Dr. Seuss mumbled about the tree moving away from us while we lunged toward it, YHC fairly confident that the tree didn’t move
Circle around the shovel flag for introduction to significance to F3, recognition of Flames service to our country and prayer for our servicemen and women by Flame.
Merkins to salute the flag:
5 merkins (IC)
5 stagger merkins (right forward) (IC)
5 stagger merkins (left forward) (IC)
5 diamond merkins (IC)
5 wide merkins (IC)
5 merkins (IC)
2 Rotations at the fitness center:
Bar kicks
Bar dips
Low rows
Back to the flag for more respect:
5 merkins (IC)
5 diamond merkins (IC)
5 wide merkins (IC)
Mosey back to baseball field for 6MOM:
25 LBCs (IC)
25 Flutter kicks (IC)
30 wife pleasers (IC) with standard instructions for no eye contact
30 hello dollies (IC)
20 crunchy frogs (IC-Dr. Seuss)
10 Victory sit-ups (IC-Matt Foley)
20 Putins (IC-Flame)
Mosey to the flag for COT:
Shout outs for Dr. Seuss’ sons in military and Flipper and Matt Foley’s brother and wife with difficult pregnancy