This morning’s theme was ‘Three Times’ from John 13: 33 – 38. Near the end of the last supper, Jesus shares the news that he’s going away and then gives the disciples his final new command of “love one another” three times. It’s that important. Peter misses the point entirely and jumps back to “Lord, where are you going?” at which point Jesus informs him he’ll deny his master 3 times. Gents, we’re so busy, so easily distracted with news, social media and life in general, we miss Jesus’ simple message. Like Peter, we could be sitting in the room with Him and still miss it – unless we take the time to slow down and listen. The next time you’re cut off in traffic or are slighted by a co-worker or read another divisive post on social media, slow down and remember His words: “A new command I give you: Love one another… love one another… love one another”.
Conditions: 43 degrees, mild, very light drizzle, great to see the Friday morning PAX. Disclaimer accepted by all, it was just nice enough to get some Moseys in, following each with some 0.0 under the south entrance overhang (thank you Dr. Seuss for weights and mats)
Mosey #1 Around the Church
Stretching: (IYO) Casey Kasums, neck and trunk roll, (IC) Merkins, Peter Parkers, Mountain Climbers
Mosey #2 Around Again
W/weights: Military presses, curls, pull backs, skull crushers
Mosey #3 One More Time
American Hammers, Flutter kicks, Freddie Mercuries, WWi’s
Mary – Dealer’s Choice
American Hammers, LBC’s, Crunchy Frogs, Half Supermans, quad/lower back stretches
Prayers and praises for an excellent No Regrets, for men struggling, for our families