Conditions: It was partly cloudy with sun peeking through the clouds, dry and humid with a temperature of 71 degrees.
Seven PAX (ironic that seven signifies completion in the Word) abandoned the fart sack and decided it was better to take the DRP. A special t-clap goes to Gunslinger for holding his proud papa accountable and getting him out the workout, despite nursing a calf injury. All posted PAX were on time and the workout started promptly at 0530 with the disclaimer stated and all PAX agreeing to the terms of F3 with an AYE!
Warm-a-Rama: All exercises from 2-9 were performed for 13 reps IC.
Mosey x3 laps around the small circle to stimulate blood flow to the muscles to “warm them up” prior to a series of dynamic stretches.
Walking High Planks
Goof Balls
Mountain Climbers
Side Lunges
Apollo Ohno Mountain Climbers
Smurf Jacks
“Thang:” The workout was structured around an 11’s routine YHC deliberately selecting exercises that would yield a total body workout. For those who don’t know how 11’s work, two exercises are selected where one exercise starts at one rep and ascends to 10 reps and the second exercise starts at 10 reps and descends to one rep. The rounds and exercises are outlined below. YHC had five rounds prepared, but time only allowed for completion of three full rounds.
Mosey to playground from shovel flag. All PAX circled up and the routine started.
Bobby Hurley’s (10 to 1)/Walking Merkins (1 to 10)
Burpees (10 to 1)/Bear Crawl IC (1 to 10)
Pull-ups (10 to 1)/Star Jumps or Squats (1 to 10)
Mosey back to shovel flag for 10 minutes of Mary.
Mary: Pilates routine with all exercises deliberately selected by YHC for one minute
Alternating Single Knee to Chest: with hands behind hamstring, two jerks of knee to chest with two exhales and flapjack legs.. Keep shoulders off of the ground
Alternating Straight Leg Freddie Mercury’s: One leg up, other at 6″. Hands behind leg up hamstring, pull elevated leg toward chest with two jerks and two quick exhales and flapjack legs. Keep shoulders off of the ground.
(R) Side Plank Hip Drop
(L) Side Plank Hip Drop
Count-a-Rama: 7
Name-a-Rama: See Below
Dr. Seuss is Qing the “1776” workout at the Bee Hive on Saturday 7/4/20.
Men’s Bible Study at Breinigsville Park on Tuesday nights at 1900. See F3 Chat for more details or DM Neon.
Two F2 events. First, after next week’s Willow Lane Workout on Wednesday, Downsize will be hosting breakfast at his place. Price of admission is attendance to the workout. Second, Sensei is hosting a summer fellowship gathering at his house on Saturday July 18, 2020. See GroupMe for sign-up genius to RSVP. M’s and 2.0’s welcome. BYOB. Bring swimming suits.
Prayers of healing for injured PAX.
Prayers for safe travels for Capone and family on their trip to Virginia.
Prayers for YHC’s mom.
Prayer of Ps 133:1 over the country.