Apparently we still needed rain but it didn’t dampen our spirits. Cool to see a fresh car in the parking lot; Isosceles from Toledo Ohio posted, in town for family and vacation. Conditions: 68 degrees, intermittent drizzle. We jumped on it at 5:30.
Warmorama – (OYO) Casey Casums, Mod Neck Stretch, Trunk Roll, Toe Touch, (IC) Abe Vigodas, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Side Lung, Forward Lung, Mosey x2 around the building, 30/30/30 walk-run-sprint x3 up the entrance incline.
Abs Over Easy – under the east entrance, we stopped for some core work, dealer’s choice with 10 merkins between each: Flutter Kicks, Imperial Squating Walkers, Freddie Mercuries, Reverse Crunches
Block Party – needed to show our visitor we knew how to party. (OYO) Military Press, Curls, Pull-Backs, Lung Walk, Pass the Block
Another Brick on the Wall – BTTW, People’s Chair
Mary – Flutter Kicks, WWIs, LBCs,
Finished with Prayer for our families. X-man’s baby girl is about a month away from her worldly debut!