8 PAX posted for the long-awaited split VQ from Mr Feeny and Dial-up! Started with a CSPAN inspired last minute pre-ruck for 4 PAX and then the pain ensued.
Disclaimer – Coaching by CSPAN – always include “you assume responsibility”
Mosey around to the baseball field
SSH x 25 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x 20 (IC)
Nancy Kerigans x 20 (IC)
Al Gore-ish Low Slow Squats x 15 (IC)
Plank arm circles x 20 (IC)
Microphone (Q) Handed to Dial-Up
Rounds of Exercises OYO on the 1st base line, run to the left field fence repeato exercises and return
Round 1:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
15 Peter Parkers
Round 2:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
15 Parker Peters
“Break” – Lunge out to left field fence and return with backward lunge to 1st base line
Round 3:
5 Burpees
10 Elbow plank to high planks (Can’t find the real name)
15 Plank shoulder touches
Mosey to the Grand Stand and benches
Step-Ups Right x 10 (IC)
Step-Ups Left x 10 (IC)
Wall Sits x 60 sec?
Bench Dips x 15 (IC)
Planking butt touches to the wall x 10 (OYO) – Need a catchy name for this torturous exercise
Russian Twists x 15 (IC)
One side crunches to raise knee x 20 (IC)
“Rope Pull” variation of Dying Cockroach x 20 (IC)
Microphone handoff back to Mr Feeny
Mosey to the Fitness Gym
Partner up – Partner 1 planks while Partner 2 does Tricep Dips x 20, switch, and repeat
To the Flag for COT…nope, Mr Feeny is getting a speaker out of his car, this can’t be good
Plank and merkins to Moby’s Bring Sally Up
Real COT
Namerama – Welcome Lindros
A Word from Hops
Prayer for Martha’s Family as she passed away and those facing the Hurricane in the Carolinas
9/22 – Retail VQ w/ Side Effects Warm-up
9/29 – 5:30am Pre-Ruck followed by CSPAN Q followed by Q School at Soltane
10/6 – Q School at Soltane post workout
10/20 – Clown Car to LanCo for their convergence – Spike and Side Effects are in so far