Saturday, April 27, 2-19
50 Degree, slight wind
Disclaimer accepted by all.
Warmarama – YHC took off at a good pace to around the outer loop of the Bee Hive to get far enough a head of the PAX to turn around and wait for the six so we could do some good warm-up motions. After a good 60 seconds of running, stop for a quick circuit. Stop #1 SSH, Stop #2 Mountain Climbers, Stop #3 Burpees, Stop #4 Merkins.
After completing .50 mile warm-up lap we were back to Shovel Flag. Circle up to complete the warm-up. Complete with Sungods, Monkey Humpers, Prom Dates, Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Long Slow 5 Count Mountain Climbers, and Merkins
The Thang
Part 1 – Tire Obstacle Course (6 tires staggered 25 yards)
- Run through tires forward
- Run through tires backwards
- Run sideways through tires
- Sprint forward, back pedal
- Bear Crawl
- Crab Walk
- Jump over tires
Part 2 – Tire Line (4 Tires on one line, 2 cones put about 25 yards a part representing end line) Pax Partner Up.
- Partner Wheel Barrow between Cones
- Tire Flip, while other partner does squats
- Tire Drag
- Hold Plank, toes on tire,
- Apollo Creeds
- In& Out Abs
- Partner Carry
- Tire Carry
Part 3 – No Tire
- Mosey to School Sidewalk for American Hammers
- Mosey to Pavilion for Pull-ups and Deep squats
Mosey to shovel flag. LBC until 6. Flame called crunch frogs, Knievel called for WWI’s.
CoRama = 8
NoRama – welcome 3 FNG’s. Murdocc becomes Face, Patrice Rames becomes Cognac, and (????) becomes Ranger.
Thank God for F3!