Conditions: Low 60s, sunny
As YHC pulled into the Trojan, Long Haul was in his usual spot, dependably early but there was another man stretching in the pavilion. I did a double take, was that Rock Star?!? I haven’t seen him in over a year and a half! Welcome back Rock Star!!!
More cars pulled in one after another for a total of eight PAX including one FNG.
The disclaimer was given.
This workout was a recycled version of the one we did at the Grill on Saturday which was borrowed from F3 Columbus. Third time around; we got a lot of milage from this one.
Warm-a-rama: SSH, Arm Circles, Good Morning, Cotton Pickers, Abe Vigoda, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Plank Jacks, 3 Wolverines
The Thang:
20 Lunges, 15 Merkins, 10 WWI Sit-ups, 5 Burpees; Run 80 yards and back; Repeat 5X or as many sets as possible until all have completed at least 5 sets
Teams of 3 or 2: men do 2nd and 3rd station exercises until cinder block reps are complete and then switch station
- 20 Cinder Block Swings / Mountain Climbers / In and Outs
- 20 Overhead Press with Cinder Block / Imperial Walkers / Climber Taps
- 20 Cinder Block Curls / Diamond Merkins / Flutter Kicks
Half way through the block party, our FNG started fading and then disappeared. He left to splash some merlot which he described as kale from last night’s dinner. Well, he gamely rejoined us in better spirits for a recovery run around parking lot loop. Yeah, at first we thought we’d never see this guy again but I think we will.
Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammer, Freddie Mercury, J-Lo (lead by our fully recovered FNG), Parker Peter, and WWIs
COT: Prayers for Sunshine’s twin boys’ health and for Dan, a friend of Uptown Girl who needs encouragement. Thanksgiving for our great nation on the 75th anniversary of D Day.
Our merlot-splashing FNG was named Timmy Ho for his Canadian associations. Welcome Timmy Ho! You pushed through the pain and discomfort and survived your first F3 workout. Wishing you many more!