After being off work for seven weeks I was called back on May the fourth. The force was indeed with me. My stance until I received that call was one of a wait and see attitude and compliance to the SIPO restrictions. There have been plenty of unknowns and the reality for me was I didn’t have confidence in how to live in the newly deemed CV world. Being compliant with recommendations and so called “orders” would be a new norm that I am not fully comfortable with. That uncomfortable feeling has remained after three weeks of work.
Not that I am uncomfortable being in proximity (physical) to my fellow men and women. Not that I fear the virus or the ramifications of contracting it. The uncomfortable feeling stems from the lack of good data, compliance, missed opportunities, and unknowns; all of which comes down to one thing Leadership! The ship is sailing in 50 different directions and no one knows where the slushy machine is. #confusion That is a problem.
As much as we try, we do not have complete control over this situation. Quarantine works, for now. But how long can that last? Loneliness is a disease with increasing numbers. My family seems overwhelmed at times and grateful for the time together at other times. The suggested protective “orders” work a little but not so much if not fully followed. Washing your hands and using sanitizer is causing other issues. My hands are so dry and cracked. Wearing the mask to the grocery store once a week or two may not cause much concern but what does that do to your respiratory system when you wear one for eight hours a day x 5 days a week? Didn’t realize my breath sometimes smells. The phrase “in a perfect world” comes to mind.
So going back to work is different and challenging. But I’m grateful I can. There are plenty without right now with no hope in sight. Returning to the gloom offers some of the same challenges. The invisible line is undefined and different for each of us. We each have our comfort zone. For some SIPO is their comfort zone, others could do without it. ALL MEN, right!
So however you feel on the issue I just want to say “ I love you Brother.” God is in control of this situation and He loves you too. Whatever our new normal is, that doesn’t change. Being in the gloom is amazing. Didn’t realize how much I missed that. If you are sheltering in place I encourage you to reconsider the opportunities. This can be done in a safe way for you. If you want to stay 6 (or even 10) feet away we will respect that. If you want to wear a mask (or even a knockerball, but merkins may be hard) we’re with you brother. Whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable enough to return to the gloom we will be there.
If you do not feel comfortable enough yet, that is ok too. Stay home and take care of yourself and family. Let us know if you need anything. A conversation, a beer, some rolos, whatever; except toilet paper. So when you feel comfortable, let us know. If you need resources to keep accelerating, let us know. If you want more virtual workouts they are available. The point is WE MISS YOU and WE LOVE YOU!