The Grill Visits Wichita

It is good the Grill is portable.  Our AO has been officially closed for over a month but the PAX are alive and well.  At last week’s virtual coffeeteria, the guys decided it was time to get back in the gloom together.  Wichita graciously offered his front yard to meet.  He even sweetened the deal when his M offered to provide breakfast!  One thing the men of the Grill are known for is coffeeteria!  A Grill workout is just not complete without it.  It is so important, in fact, that some have even been known to skip the workout and just come to coffeeteria.  She did not disappoint with two different breakfast casseroles to choose from along with fresh coffee.

5 PAX posted along with Wichita’s two high-energy 2.0’s who were named Mighty Mouse and Flash.  They had no problem keeping up with the rest of the PAX along with suggesting alternate exercises.

Disclaimer was given.

Mosey around house

Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Imperial Walker, Seal Jacks

Absolution: 8-count from plank position – 1 & 2: single groiner forward and back; 3 & 4: Dancing Chilly Cut; 5 & 6: Chilly Jack; 7 & 8: back to plank (10 Reps IC)

The Thang:

Mosey to the bottom of the driveway and run to end of cul-de-sac.

Red Barchetta: run specified distance; perform exercise; run back to start and plank for the 6

    100 yards/ 100 SSH
    75 yards/ 75 Mountain Climbers
    50 yards/ 50 LBCs
    25 yards/ 25 Merkins
    10 yards/ 10 Burpees

All About the Benjamins (back up the driveway): 25 Imperial Walkers, 25 Lunge Walk, 25 Squats, 25 Lunge Walk, 25 Carolina Dry Docks, 25 Lunge Walk, 25 Peter Parkers, 25 Lunge Walk

Wheel of Animal Walk: travel ~ 30 yards via designated mode; complete 10 Merkins – Frog Hop/ Wide Merkin, Bear Crawl/ Staggered Merkin, Duck Walk/ Staggered Merkin, Crab Walk/ Clap Merkin .  The Clap Merkins were at the challenge of Mighty Mouse who boasted that his daddy could do hand-clap push ups so of course we had to prove we could also!

Mosey around the house

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammers, WWI, Crunchy Frogs, Slow to Fast Freddie Mercuries, 1-minute Plank, Bird Dog, LBC, Side Planks, Peter Parker

Workout was immediately followed by coffeeteria while we sat in our lawn chairs on the driveway while maintaining social distancing….except for Flash and Mighty Mouse who couldn’t quite maintain the recommended 6-foot distance.  They kept us busy throwing a football for them to catch.  These two are born athletes.

Good time with great folks.  Thanks again to Wichita and his M for being such gracious hosts.

F3 Lehigh Valley