Nice morning to workout today. Temperature was in the mid-50s, no wind and nice and dry after quite a few days of some rain. The workout today was inspired from our brothers at F3 Houston. Thanks gents!
Disclaimer was given as I rolled up a few minutes late.
- SSH x 12, IC
- Moroccan Sun Gods x 15 IC
- Monkey Humpers x 15 IC
- Grass Pickers x 15 IC
- Plank Jacks x 15 IC
- Alternating Leg Lunges x 15 each leg
- Merkins x 12 IC
The Thang:
Great turnout this morning with 10 PAX made these upcoming relays fantastic. How about a little competition? Went around the warm up circle and counted off to divide into 2 teams. The distance of each of these races was the width of the pavilion at The Trojan.
- The War Tunnel: Each team lines up shoulder to shoulder in a high plank position. The guy on the end army crawls under the other plankers on their team to the front of the line. This continues and the whole line of the team moves ahead. Race continued between both until the a team crossed the imaginary line of the end of the pavilion.
- Crab Walk: Team splits with half at one end of the pavilion and the others in line at the other end of the pavilion. Teams begin by crab walking the width of the pavilion and tagging a team member. The winning team is the one who moves each of their PAX to the opposite end that they started from.
- Bear Crawl: Similar setup as the crab walk, but bear crawl as the exercise.
- Inch Worm: Similar setup as crab walk, but Inch Worm as the exercise
- Completed all 4 of these above races x2
- FINAL RACE: Teams are split as some of the above races but Crawl Bear is the exercise
- Reward for All PAX: Motivators starting at 12
- With a little remaining time, completed a lap around the park for an indian run.
MARY: Dealer’s Choice
Heels to heaven, pickle pushers and out of time.
Prayer Requests: XMan in the hospital with some intestinal issues. Mr. Brady’s coworker, Hawkeye and his wife, and Cougar getting some true R+R with vacation this week so he can come back ready to kick our butts.