A few brave souls ventured out into the glume on this very memorable day in the Valley. It was the calm before the storm and we made the best of it. Little drizzle, 75 and humid.
Intro: Welcome to F3. Stands for Faith, fitness and fellowship. The 5 core principles are always outdoors, free, all men under 18 are always welcome, rotationally lead and ends in a circle of trust. I’m not a professional and anything I ask you to do is a merely suggestion. If you agree stay I!
Warm aroma then a mosey
The thang: 20 each Shoulders, legs, abs
2)Pull ups,step ups, Heels to heaven
3)durkins,lunge walk, Parker Peters
4)pumps,Star jumps,Big boys
5 Motivators
circle of trust: prayed for Booboos quick recovery from procedure and dial ups fathers and laws hip surgery.