Another amazing gloom in the mid 60 degrees at 0530. Did you ever think that maybe F3 needed another F? I can think of a lot of F words in the gloom; however, one F word that we should be aiming for in our Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith experience is Fun. So this was my attempt to put it all together and see if some Fun resulted.
Disclaimer – given and accepted
Warm-up – mosey the .5 mile track around the park stopping along the way for different warm up exercises and stretches. Including SSH, Imperial Walker, Abe Vogoda, Open Gate, Close Gate, Leg Swings, Lunge Walk, Arm Circles, Neck Role, Tricep Stretch
The Thang –
As many rounds as possible in the sequence FAITH – Hebrews 11: 1 – Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
F – Freddy Mercuries done to exhaustion fast and slow pace while listening to Queen’s version of I want to ride my bicyle.
A – Ascending Curb Crawls – 1 – 11
I – Interval Run around the park, mixing in some stretches of tempo pick-ups.
T – Thunderstruck playing in the background while Pax jams the bouncing air guitar and hits the ground with two hands when they hear Thunder.
H – Hang Time – Pull Ups AMRAP; however, everyone keeps holding in hang position on until last guy is done with pull-ups.
Repeat with variations of songs and exercises. We had time for some Sweet Home Alabama lunge kicks and some Ascending Craw Walk Crab Cakes. Rinsed with a run back to the shovel flag.
Mary – 3 minutes of OCD Box Cutters, Half Supermans, and full-superman’s.
COT – prayers for Mani’s Dad’s cancer treatments, our nation, pandemic, and expanding our Faith.