Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA, USA
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Conditions: Sunny, a bit windy
13 PAX including 2 FNGs
– Mosey around the park
– In cadence: imperial stormtroopers, hillbillies, arm circles, circle arms, mountain climbers, SSH
The Thang:
Winklevoss introduced most of the group to the Tabata, a brutally efficient routine brought to you straight from Japan (think Toyota Production System for exercise): 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 times, keel over. Billed as a way to get an hour’s worth of exercise benefit into 4 minutes (or something like that). More fun activities were inserted into the “rest” between 4-minute bouts.
– Squat jumps: 20sec on/10 sec off x 8
– Merkins for half the group, inverted rows for half the group (using playground equipment and dog leashes): 3 sets of 10-11 reps, in cadence, with isometric hold at bottom of merkin/top of inverted row
– Bonnie Blairs (alternating jump lunges): 20sec on/10sec off x 8
– Squats: 3 x 10-11 reps, in cadence, with isometric hold at bottom of squat (thighs parallel to ground)
– Burpees: 20sec on/10 sec off x 8
– Repeat Merkins/inverted rows as in #2, with PAX switching to perform whichever they missed out on the first go ‘round
– Sprints between base lines on baseball diamond (with lines freshly marked with some pink spray paint): 20sec on (sprint)/10sec off (walk) x 8
– Lunges: 4 x 8 reps, in cadence, with isometric hold at bottom of lunge (back knee an inch from ground)
– Planks on elbows until we couldn’t any more
– Flutter kicks, in cadence
– Dollies, in cadence
– Rosalitas, in cadence
– Freddie Mercuries, in cadence
– Planks on elbows again, including count-o-rama in plank position to finish, but which took several tries to do because PAX forgot how to count, starting from 1 after each error
Hops, Boyant, Spike, Frizzle, Burgundy, Feeney, Flipper, Tuck, Spoke, Dial Up, Winklevoss
Plus 2 FNGs: welcome Huffy and Shark Bait!
Special shout-out to the 3 HIM out for their second F3 workout (Spoke, Burgundy, Frizzle)
This concluded our month-long battle with Ma’ne (F3 Philly) to see who could pull the most FNGs. Unfortunately, he ended up besting us 8 to 7, but that’s 15 new guys in a month proving that they are HIM. #PArising indeed
Convergence Saturday May 25, 2019 to celebrate one-year anniversary of F3 Valley Forge! Details to come, will include secret guest Q
Reminders to all of Wednesday a.m. AOs in Villanova and Pottstown